About Us

Jim Sniegocki
Jim was an FBI Agent for 26 years serving in San Antonio and Austin, TX, Monterey, CA, New York City, St. Louis, MO and Louisville, KY.
His work in Texas, coming right out of new agents training, consisted of fugitives and general criminal cases.
He was next assigned to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA where he learned to speak, understand, read and write a language spoken in one of the communist satellite countries. With the language training plus learning the history and customs of the target country, he was assigned to the New York City FBI Office (NYO) where for three years he worked Foreign Counter-Intelligence cases.
His next assignment was on the White Collar Crime Squad in the NYO. During his final 6 years in New York, 2 years in St. Louis and 13 years in Louisville, he specialized in White Collar Crime investigations, including bank fraud, housing, bankruptcy and investment fraud, bribery and corruption cases.
Along the way, he testified in many cases and was designated an Expert Witness in analyzing complex financial transactions.
One of his signature cases in NY was a major housing fraud involving the largest non-government mortgage company on the east coast. This three year investigation resulted in the indictment of more than 40 individuals and 10 companies including the two principals of the mortgage company, a Dun and Bradstreet official, several Federal Housing Administration inspectors and numerous realtors and their employees.
In Kentucky, he primarily worked major cases including an embezzlement causing a bank failure in northern KY, a million dollar embezzlement at a bank in eastern KY and a nationwide advance-fee confidence scheme based in Bowling Green, KY.
Upon retirement, he started Capital Intelligence LLC in Louisville, KY and provides Security Consulting, Eavesdropping Detection and Investigation services as outlined in this site. He works primarily for attorneys and businesses of all sizes.